Who can audition for NGYWS?
Students in grades 9-12 that are currently enrolled their local school band program. Considerations can be made for students not currently enrolled with their local school band program, but this has to be communicated prior to auditioning.
What do I prepare for my NGYWS Audition?
All students should also prepare the Chromatic Scale and all twelve major scales using the Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) All-State Ranges. Not all scales will be performed at the audition, just a select few.
Wind students should prepare a fast/technical excerpt and a slow/lyrical excerpt together equaling 2 to 3 minutes of music from the standard solo/etude repertoire for the instruments.
Percussion students should prepare a solo/etude on two of the following instruments:
Snare Drums
Mallet Percussion (2 or 4 Mallets for Etudes; 2 Mallets for Sight Reading)
Percussion students will also demonstrate basic rudiments, buzz rolls, and tuning timpani.
Consider using the GMEA all-state etudes, orchestral excerpts, solos, or etude books. If you need additional help selecting music, consider asking your private lessons teacher or band director what would be appropriate.
Students who play Harp, Piano, and String Bass are also invited to audition.
How do I audition?
Visit the audition page and sign-up for an audition time.